About Oui Speak Fashion

Oui Speak Fashion (OSF) is a web media that provides the latest global information on the fashion business and beauty industry from New York City.

Our editorial team features the future of fashion and beauty including topics that cover sustainability initiatives, next fashion trends, emerging fashion designers, and new digital marketing approaches targeting Gen Z.

With our concept “Fashion Meets Tech” we also focus on new technologies such as Generative AI, Metaverse and Retail Technology have exponentially emerged in the recent fashion era.

We take full advantage of the power of bilingual media to reach specific audiences in English and Japanese and deliver only credible information about the brand’s latest initiatives and activities to a global audience with integrity.



Oui Speak Fashion (OFS) delivers content that enables strategic storytelling and massive reach to audiences in the U.S. and around the world. We create custom programs that build brand solutions and ROI through multimedia platforms to meet our clients’ needs and goals.

1. Banner Ad Approach

We will place banner ads to reach the most appropriate audience for your brand for $600~/weekly.
Prices vary depending on the type of banner, location, and duration. Please contact us for more details.

advertisement Oui Speak Fashion

2. Sponsored Article

OSF’s editorial team will cover your company’s brand, services, and initiatives, and write and distribute original articles. However, only companies that have passed our screening process will be allowed to publish sponsored articles.

We offer three options: 1. in English, 2. in Japanese, and 3. in both media. Please feel free to contact us for pricing and other information.

Oui Speak Fashion Sponsored Articles

Why OSF is the Top Client Choice

  • Sponsored articles can be published in both the OSF US (English) and  JAPAN (Japanese) editions
  • Reach a global audience not only in the U.S. but also around the world
  • Direct message to professional readers in the fashion/beauty industry in the U.S. and abroad
  • Branding your company as a company/brand with global recognition
    The articles are written by journalists from OSF US, so your message will be more credible
  • The article will be promoted on both OSF US (English) and Japan (Japanese) Instagram (total of 73,000 followers on two counts)
  • Guaranteed semi-permanent publication of sponsored articles
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