Caroline Rush to Step Down as CEO of the British Fashion Council After 16 Years of Leadership

Caroline Rush

On September 19, the British Fashion Council (BFC) announced that Caroline Rush will step down as CEO in June 2025, after 16 years of leadership. The process of selecting her successor has already begun, with London-based Egon Zehnder leading the search. Rush will continue to lead the organization during this period.

BFC’s Transformation and Rush’s Leadership

Caroline Rush joined the BFC in 2009 and has since overseen significant growth within the organization. Under her leadership, BFC’s revenue doubled, and her focus on supporting designers has paved the way for world-class programs that nurture British creative talent.

Rush also elevated London Fashion Week, sponsored by 1664 Blanc, into a cultural platform, establishing London as the “capital of creativity.” During her tenure, the BFC discontinued the January edition of London Fashion Week and rebranded it as “LFW June,” held in June. This new format emphasizes diversity, introducing new cultural moments in the London fashion scene, such as the inclusion of Savile Row tailors for the first time.

Support for Emerging Talent and Commitment to Sustainability

Another of Rush’s key achievements was the establishment of the BFC Foundation. By consolidating multiple charitable organizations aimed at supporting young designers and students, the Foundation has provided over £4.3 million in funding since 2020 to nurture talented designers. In addition, Rush spearheaded the creation of the Institute of Positive Fashion (IPF), which focuses on environmental sustainability, circular economy, and human capital, driving industry-wide innovation toward a sustainable future.

The IPF’s 2020 white paper on the “Circular Fashion Ecosystem” has been used globally as a tool to promote circular economy and decarbonization, reflecting Rush’s visionary commitment to sustainability.

Looking Toward New Challenges

Rush has expressed her intention to continue leading the BFC for the next nine months, stating, “new challenge,” as she remains committed to advancing the industry for the next nine months. “Having built the organisation’s resources back to better than pre-pandemic levels, it is in a great position to continue its essential and incredibly important work with new leadership and a new chapter.” She also emphasized her confidence in the next leadership’s ability to build on the foundation she has created, pledging her ongoing support for the organization even after her departure.

BFC chair David Pemsel praised Rush’s accomplishments, highlighting her dynamic leadership and ability to steer the organization through some of the industry’s most challenging times. “Caroline is a fantastic industry leader and has relentlessly championed British fashion globally for past 15 years. During her tenure she has remained dynamic and agile whilst navigating some of the most challenging times for the industry. On behalf of the industry, I want to thank her for her work, her passionate support and dedication,” Pemsel remarked.

As the BFC prepares for a new chapter, the foundation laid by Rush will undoubtedly serve as a crucial starting point for the next generation of leaders to continue advancing the British fashion industry.

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