Zara To Launch its Secondhand Clothing Service in the US


Fast fashion brand Zara has announced that it will launch its secondhand clothing service, “Zara Pre-Owned,” in the U.S. starting in October 2024.

“Zara Pre-Owned” is an initiative aimed at extending the life cycle of garments by offering services for repairing, reselling, and donating used clothing to reduce waste. While this service has not yet been introduced in the U.S., it was first launched in the UK in November 2022 and has since expanded to 16 European countries, including Germany, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Portugal.

The “Zara Pre-Owned” service is divided into three main categories: Repair, Resale, and Donation. The Repair service supports customers in extending the life of their cherished garments through Zara’s skilled network of tailors. The Resale platform allows customers to buy and sell secondhand Zara items, creating new value and further extending the life cycle of these products. This service is available through Zara’s stores, website, and app, offering consumers an easy way to participate in the recycling of used clothing.

Zara has also introduced a collection program for used clothing, shoes, and accessories. The goal of this program is to reduce environmental impact by collecting and reusing used items while also positively impacting local communities. Collected items are delivered to local support organizations, and through donation or recycling, new value is created. Some donated items are sold in secondhand stores, with proceeds supporting social projects by organizations like the Red Cross and the China Environmental Protection Foundation.

This initiative not only extends the life of clothing but also plays a key role in promoting sustainable fashion, aligning with the broader strategy of Zara’s parent company, Inditex.

Inditex CEO Óscar García Maceiras emphasized that Zara’s online platforms receive over 22 million visitors daily, highlighting the potential reach of this initiative to a wide range of consumers. He also announced plans to expand “Zara Pre-Owned” to all strategic markets by 2025.

The fast fashion industry faces significant challenges, including overproduction and the resulting increase in waste. Extending the lifespan of clothing is a critical issue for the industry. Competitors like H&M and Uniqlo have also entered the secondhand market and repair services. H&M, in partnership with the resale platform ThredUp, has launched an online secondhand clothing sales service in the U.S. Meanwhile, Uniqlo has expanded its repair service, “Re: Uniqlo Studios,” in the U.S. since last year, allowing customers to have their garments repaired in-store.

As the fast fashion industry confronts a pivotal moment, shifting away from the traditional mass production and consumption model to a more sustainable one, initiatives like this are expected to grow. It is hoped that the entire fashion industry will focus more on reducing environmental impact and promoting resource recycling, paving the way for a more sustainable future.